
The Emergency Medicine Inventory Tracker system was created for the Florida Department of Health to provide additional oversight, tracking, and monitoring of provider administration of COVID-19 therapeutics and on-hand inventory. Providers are now required to report the quantity of therapeutic courses administered daily and the available inventory balance in EMIT each day the provider’s site is open for operation. Accurate inventory counts are essential, as federal allocation of therapeutics is determined in part by demand and existing inventory.
To increase compliance and consistent reporting by providers, EMIT sends daily automated emails to remind and encourage providers to report their daily on-hand inventory counts and administration of therapeutics. These notifications continue until the daily count is performed, as accurate and timely inventory reporting is critical for States to continue obtaining and allocating these life-saving therapeutics.
If you are seeking an inexpensive, easy-to-implement, cloud-based solution for your State for tracking and reporting COVID-19 therapeutics to HPOP then give us a call, we'd be happy to give you a demonstration.
We can have you up-and-running and reporting your daily counts to the Federal HPOP system quickly!
SunFocus Accounting & Medicaid Payments System
Over the last decade, PCG has worked closely with the Agency for Health Care Administration (“AHCA”) on the development and implementation of this high-transaction and mission-critical enterprise level financial management system.
The medicaid payments module of the SunFocus accounting system is used to track approximately $700 million dollars in Medicaid funds for the State weekly. $34 Billion annually. This ongoing project involves working closely with AHCA F&A personnel to convert complicated manual practices to a secure, comprehensive, and streamlined web-based solution to automate mission critical divisions and determine best practices for the Agency, external partners, and with the Federal government.
The next phase of this system will be to integrate it with the new Florida PALM state accounting system to ensure uninterrupted Medicaid payments to Floridians.

CSBG Organizational Standards System

The CSBG Organizational Standards system is cloud document manage software that allows State Departmental staff to streamline their administrative and review efforts. This proprietary software eliminates the use of traditional mail by allowing users to submit large amounts of documents in a paperless format. Subgrantees are given the ability to create Field Assessment Guides each fiscal year, upload documents, and associate those documents to multiple standards. The system is equipped with automatic email notifications, user permissions, and tool-tips. Missouri and Texas have utilized this system for the past fifteen years.
HSCP Client Management System
Over the last 10 years, PCG has worked with Leon County to build the HSCP Client Management System. This system facilitates their mission of delivering services efficiently and cost-effectively to their local constituents. From a technology, audit, and financial reconciliation perspective, the system assists in achieving that important mission.
This system allows the county and its community partners to accurately and efficiently track clients, establish eligibility, track services delivered, and compensate partners.
Accurately assessing and monitoring client eligibility ultimately saves money for Leon County taxpayers while utilizing state-of-the-art technologies reduces long-term costs.
The HSCP Management System allows Leon County and its partners to work together by giving them a secure and easy-to-use portal where client eligibility can be tracked and supporting documents can be easily uploaded.

CHSP Grants Application Portal
CHSP is a grants allocation process that is administered through a partnership with the City of Tallahassee and Leon County Government.
Working closely with Leon County, PCG created a custom Grants Application Portal that includes a unified communications system for CHSP staff to communicate with agencies and volunteers along with reporting capabilities that provide data to each funder.
Paul Consulting has been a tremendous partner to work with in creating a new CHSP Portal. Their partnership has far exceeded the 'contract relationship' one normally has with a vendor throughout this process. And this donation (free hosting for 3 years) is yet another shining example of how they have continued to bring not only value, but also care and investment to our community.